Sænska rithöfundasambandið stendur fyrir alþjóðlegu þingi

Rithöfundar, þýðendur og fræðimenn munu leiða saman hesta sína í Stokkhólmi í Svíþjóð dagana 29. júní til 2. júlí 2008 og sitja þar málstofur, fyrirlestra og miðla verkum sínum og hugmyndum. Sænska rithöfundasambandið heldur þingið. Þemu þingsins eru: Literacy, Intercultural dialog og Digitalisation. Sjá nánari upplýsingar í bréfi sem hefur borist félaginu og á heimasíðu þingsins: www.congrex.se/waltic2008/



WritersÂ’ and Literary TranslatorsÂ’ International Congress

”I am glad to participate in the WALTIC congress because

it is devoted to democracy, and the act of reading is a very

good example of pure democracy in action.”


Philip Pullman

Welcome to WALTIC – the Value of Words!

A global arena for collaboration, creating opinion and achieving change




In June 2008, the Swedish WritersÂ’ Union will launch WALTIC – the Value of Words, the

first literary world congress of its kind. Between 29 June and 2 July 2008 one thousand writers, translators and scholars will gather for a mutual manifestation of the value of words and in support of human rights.


The key philosophy of WALTIC is to consider literature as a source of knowledge with political strength. The written word and the inherent power of the narrative is the basis for global society as a whole. That is why, in the words of Philip Pullman, “dictators and tyrants hate literature: the secret democracy of reading is too strong for them to withstand.” It is our conviction that the writers and translators of the world play an important role as mediators of knowledge, creators of opinion and as achievers of public change.


WALTIC will focus on three urgent global issues: Literacy, Intercultural dialogue and Digitalisation. The program offers a wealth of seminars, lectures and best practices. Among the speakers you will find leading writers and scholars as well as translators and innovative poets – with even numbers of women and men represented.


WALTIC will take a stand to: Increase literacy, safeguard freedom of expression, and strengthen authorsÂ’ rights.



We hope to see you in Stockholm at WALTIC 2008!



Call for Best Practice & Call for Stories now open!


Call for Best Practice
The Best Practice program will include a number of topics that concern writers and literary translators, as well as practical work related to the main themes of WALTIC. The program will hold everything from WritersÂ’ and TranslatorsÂ’ Issues and Creative Writing to Literacy and Intercultural Exchange.

Call for Stories

WALTIC is a unique literary congress insofar as it also engages high-profile academics from around the world. Alongside independent writers and translators, we therefore particularly encourage researchers and academics to share their work within WALTICÂ’s exclusive Stories program.


The oral presentations are 15 or 30 minutes for both programs and submitters are welcome to indicate their preference. For more information and topics, see www.waltic.com


Deadline for on-line submission 3 March, 2008


Resident of a low-income country? Please look into the WALTIC scholarship program.


Please forward this email to your friends and contacts


WALTIC 2008 is arranged in close co-operation with


SIDA, The Swedish National Commission for UNESCO and SI (Svenska Institutet)




The Swedish WritersÂ’ Union (SFF) is a union of writers and literary translators. Since 1893 SFF has worked with financial, legal and social issues that concern the literary professions. At present SFF has approximately 2.750 members. The mission of SFF is to safeguard and maintain the financial and non-profit interests of members, and to provide a wide, international exchange of experience among writers and translators. One goal of SFF is to have a strong, integrated profession in which people can work together to reinforce the rights of writers and translators.